Friday, September 25, 2015

The Jobs I have Had

When I was a boy some of the jobs that I had were doing yardwork, hoeing and picking cotton. I racked and baled hay. I hauled onions. When I was a teenager I worked at service stations in El Paso, Duncan and Safford. I ran the movie projector in Duncan.

After I graduated from high school I had several jobs at Phelps Dodge in Morenci, Arizona. I worked in the machine shop, cabinet shop, power house, smelter and elivered mail. I also owrked on the track as a gandy dancer when I was in college at BYU.

During the summer I worked at a lumbar yard and peach orchard in Merced before I went to BYU.

When I was a student at BYU I had several jobs. I worked on the sprinkler system on the grounds. I also worked as a night janitor scrubbing floors in the Joseph Smith Building. I became a house mover moving turkey houses. When I went to dental school in San Francisco I delivered milk, painted houses and took care of lab research animals. I also taught classes for dental assistants at San Francisco City College.

After I finished dental school at University of the Pacific I started a dental practice in Fremont, California with Hugh Block. Then I opened my own dental practice in Walnut Creek, California. I also taught two days a week at the dental school at the University of the Pacific.

After four years I went back to Orthodontic School at the University of Southern California. They didn't allow us to have outside jobs while I was going to school.

After I graduated from orthodontic school I set up a practice in Santa Cruz, California. I later opened up offices in Aptos, Watsonville, and Boulder Creek, California.

I went into the fishing business with my son, Greg. We first got the Bola, a 24 Skipjacks with a diesel engine. Then we got a big 44 foot steel vessel called the Liahona, which could carry 20 tons of fish.

I sold my practice to Don Connolly and moved to Trail, Oregon where I became a hay rancher. I retired in 2006.

I spent most of my adult life as a dentist and an orthodontist. I started dental school in 1959 and stopped practicing dentistry in 1988.

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