Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Lunts

May Lunt was a widow and I played with her twins, Tim and Terry. They were my age. May Lunt was the school teacher for the 4th and 5th grades in Viden. We had a kind of bookcase in the back of the room and I opened the door of it so she couldn't see me and I was making faces at the rest of the class. May Lunt was a big woman, about 6 feet tall and 280 pounds. Next thing I know this fist came around the door and hit me on top of the head and she called me a spoiled brat.

I would go over to play with the twins and May Lunt would take a rolling pin and roll it up and down her stomach to make herself belch. Tim was a great big and tall, and Terry was average size. Terry used to tease Tim. Terry was a lot faster and Tim couldn't catch him. Tim was so mad at Terry that he was chasing him with an axe. Luckily, he couldn't catch him.

We all used to pick cotton to make some extra money. One day Terry took a crap in a paper bag and hit Tim over the head with it. Tim was so mad, but he couldn't catch Terry.

Tim and Terry got a new rope for lassoing. They came over to our place and lassoed a ball in our corral. Then they couldn't get their new rope off the ball to take home. They had to wait for Dad to get home to take it off.

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