Nineteen months after Greg was born, Bradley William Pace, was born on May 4, 1966. He was due three weeks before that. Marjorie started coming to our house to stay in case we needed her while Kaye went to the hospital, but he didn't come. Finally Marge went back to Walnut creek to shape up her apartment. During the middle of the night, Kaye went into labor. We called Marge to come and stay with the kids. When she got there we were ready to go to the hospital. This time we had to go to a new hospital which was almost to Concord. I was so sleepy I couldn't stay awake. I pulled over and asked Kaye if she could drive. She said, "No WAY!" We were only in the hospital about 1 1/2 hours before Brad made his grand apperance. Because he was so overdue, he was born with black hair 2 or 3 inches long. his face was round and he was really cute.
Brad was a good baby, but he didn't sleep through the night until he was about 14 months. He was so easy to deal with. He took his time learning to walk, he was about 12 months old. He was about 16 months old when we left for Los Angeles to go to Orthodontic School at USC.
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