Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Jobs at BYU

The first job I had at school was cleaning the cafeteria in the Joseph Smith Building. I worked from 2:00 am to 8:00 am mopping and cleaning the floors. I had a real hard time staying awake during my clases while I worked there. My next job was putting in sprinkling systems on different parts of the campus. I made .70 cents an hour on both of these jobs. The minimum wage was $1, but they only paid students .70 cents.

Fun Times at the Y

We were poor, but we had fun too at BYU. We used to go study up Provo Canyon. I would go fishing on the Provo River. We would ice skate on Utah Lake in the winter. We would ski when we had time and money. We went to the BYU dances, devotionals and assemblies. We went to parade movies and the A&W stand. We took a lot of rides (gas was cheap). We went to Grandma Cowley's in Layton for the weekends as often as we could. We loved BYU and Provo. It was a good time in our lives.

I was majoring in Agronomy and Animal Husbandry. We wanted a ranch when we graduated. Kaye was majoring in Elementary Education and Science.

Once I got drunk and rode the horse all over the lawns in front of the housing. Kaye was embarrassed when I fell off the horse. Kaye got pregnant again with Cindy. We both continued in school until I graduated in December of 1959. We moved out and went to Grandma's Cowley's house for a short period of time because I had been promised a job as a soil in Ogden, Utah. I kept calling and waiting, finally I confronted the guy and he told me, "I gave it to someone else." I was totally upset and angry. I decided to go back and take pre-dental classes at BYU and go to dental school.

We moved back to Provo and rented a little adobe house on West Center Street just past the overpass to the railroad tracks. We took our two little girls and both of us went back to school. We had some very nice neighbors named Glenn and Leona who babysat the girls while we were in class. Kaye's dad helped us with expenses while we were at BYU. Kaye finished up her teaching degree and I applied to Dental School. I was accepted at 8 dental schools. The last one we heard from was P & S in San Francisco. That was where I wanted to go because my brother, Grant, went there. It was one of the best in the country. We got ready to move to San Francisco.

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