Friday, March 11, 2016

Practice in Fremont

While I was practicing in Hugh Block's building. I had a little VW I drove to work. A guy, who was a big loud mouth came in. He said, "Doc, I don't have any money." He needed a bridge in the front of his mouth. He said, "You've got to take a trade for a Kirby vacuum cleaner for this." He just kept after me so I finally said, "OK." I went out to his car to get the vacuum cleaner. It was a brand new Caddilac. He also said, "I've got an airplane. I'll take you flying sometime." I felt like a real sucker. I took the vacuum home to Kaye and she was mad and really gave me a bad time. We had that vacuum cleaner for years and Kaye loved it.

That night I was coming home late at night because I went out for some drinks with the vacuum cleaner salesman before I started home. I was driving along the Danville highway by the old Heart Country Club near Pleasanton. This horse ran out in the middle of the road. He stopped in the road and I stopped, too. He turned his backside to my little VW and acted like he was going to kick the car, so I backed up and he came after me and turned around and acted like he was going to kick me again. I threw it in gear and went around the side of him and took off. Kaye was really mad when I got home so late that night. She didn't believe my story about the horse and was also mad about the vacuum cleaner.  While we lived in Alamo my Grandma Cardon died and I went to El Paso for her funerla. She was almost 100 years old when she died.

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